Monday 19 December 2011

Story board change. SS.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have decided to film on Tuesday the 20th December. This is a 'shooting' day, so we will be using our original story board to follow. This new date is better for the filming because it means we will be able to film from 8:00m to 4:30pm, thus getting all the footage we need in one session, rather than going for a morning and getting half the footage.


Wednesday 16 November 2011

facts that can be used for opening AL

  • lowland keepers work in woodland and open farmland. They are mainly concerned with partridges, pheasants and mallards
  • upland keepers work on moors, and are concerned mainly with deer and grouse
  • highland keepers/stalkers are mainly concerned with deer-stalking, and with grouse in some areas of Scotland.
  • organising shoots and fishing parties
  • hiring and supervising staff such as beaters (who flush out birds during shoots)
  • keeping records of what is shot or caught and arranging the sale of game
  • training gun dogs and working with them
  • breeding game birds for release in the wild
  • controlling predators such as foxes, crows and rats by shooting and trapping
  • protecting game from poachers by patrolling the beat area at night
  • repairing equipment, buildings and game pens and cleaning guns
  • clearing woodland and burning heather
  • liaising with the police to deal with crime such as badger digging and hare coursing.
  • It is a lonely job but you have to be able to get along with others

You would work long, often irregular hours, usually with early starts, late finishes and weekend work.

You would work in the countryside, often in isolated areas, and spend most of your time outdoors in all weather conditions.

Game keepers can earn £11,000 to around 18,000 a year

Employers will usually provide free or cheap accommodation and vehicle.

these are just some facts that we can use for the opening


Monday 14 November 2011

Changes to the documentary. SS, AL

We have decided to change the content of our Documentary. The subject will still be the Game Keeping life. However, instead of doing "a day in the life" of the Game Keeper, it would be just following Jim in his work. This is due to inspiration from a Video we found on YouTube called "The Shoot - The Keeper". In this documentary, it is similar in how it is filmed, and is not following his day to the letter. This change to the filming style will allow a more direct approach,  letting us get across the core basic jobs he has to do. This makes it easier on all of us, because we think it would be less rushed this way. We don't have to worry about keeping up with times of the day, because Jim is busy we only have 1 day to film him so we cant go back. it also stops us getting in the way of his work. it also creates a more fly on the wall effect, which makes it more like a documentary.

 this is the video that we will base ours off

Amy and Sophie

Wednesday 9 November 2011

beater interview AL

Beater interview

Why do you do beating?

Do you enjoy beating?

What does the game keeper industry mean to you?

whilst discussing the shoot day story bored, we decided that it may be possible for an interview with a beater, these are the questions i came up with.


story bording progress AL

We have now finished our story boarding, we have 2 different story boards, so we are prepared for a normal day or a shoot day. Because it is an unpredictable job its hard to predict what will happen, we have planned out as much as we are able too, however, its most likely that things will change again and we will have to work independently without our story board, however, we will try to stick to it.


Filming AL

We were going to carry out filming on the 12th of November. However, due to a situation beond our control the game keeper asked us to move the date to the 26th of November, as there was a problem on his end, also on the 19th i am working and can not get the day off, this is why we have moved the date.

We can use this time wisely to go over different topics to ensure that we are prepared for filming on the 19th. For example, going over the story boards and equipment lists for any gaps and things we can make better. As soon as filming is done we can start editing straight away.


interview questions AL

Game keeper.

What do you like about your job?

Is there anything you don’t like about your job?

How did you get the job?

How does your job effect others?

How long have you been doing your job for?

What do you do in a regular day?

What is the importance of the shoot?

Do you meet up with any other game keepers for tips on how to make your job easier or better?

What’s the most busiest time of year?

How does that effect family life?

Are the dogs an important to your job?

Game keeper’s wife.

What is your role when it comes to game keeping?

Do you help with looking after the birds?

Is the job important to you and the family?

Game keepers son.

How has your fathers job effected your life?

Do you help him?

Do you like to help him?

Would you like to follow the same career path?

What career do you have in mind?

What kind of things do you do in your spare time?

The interview with Jim's wife and son my be a subject to chnage, due to their availability at the time of filming. however, the interview with Jim will take place at some point during the filming.


Sunday 6 November 2011

31st October 2011. SS

On this date, Amy was away due to illness. We communicated through emails to carry the work on with me in class, and her at home.


Wednesday 12 October 2011

Changes due to survey results. AL, SS

The changes we would need to make is mainly the Channels. We were originally thinking of using Channel 4 for this documentary. Our audience also said that they would usually watch documentaries on the Discovery channel. This made us consider using both channels, as opposed to just Channel 4.
Another change is in the interview. Our target audience said that they prefer a more intimate interview where you get an insight into the emotions of the man. To do this we would have to ask as to the attitudes to his work. We would also have to use Close-up shots to make the viewer feel closer to the interviewee.

Amy and Sophie.

Updated equipment list. AL, SS

The equipment for the filming is basically the same, although we need to consider the weather when filming, too. If it is raining, then the sound will most likely drown out speech. To solve this problem, we have discussed using umbrellas and plastic bags to protect the camera from the damp weather and try to navigate the filming around the weather.

Things we will need:-
  • Camera  x2
  • Tripod x2
  • Plastic bag  x4
  • Spare batteries x2
  • Chargers x2
  • Shooting script
  • Tape
  • Interview questions
  • Props e.g. things he will use like dogs, dog food and so on.
  • Jeep - use this for tracking through the land.
  • Day to day clothes that he can work in.
  •  Walkie talkie's x2
  •  Film x2
Amy and Sophie.

Monday 10 October 2011

Next Steps. SS

The next steps for our group is to create an updated list of the equipment needed, along with the settings, the costume and make-up (if needed at all). After this we will need to start story boarding, and visit the location of filming to get an idea of where to place the cameras and where to film, and what he will do in each sequence. We will then arrange dates to go and film for a test run. This is to determine how much of the background noise will be picked up and how much we will need to prerecord to put over the visuals so the background noise can be edited out, or quietened.


Questionaire results. SS

Our questionnaire had a total of 7 questions:

- Are you male, or female?

- What is your age?

- What types of documentaries would you normally watch?
Wildlife .


- what channel are the documentaries normally on?
Skt 1.
Channel 4.
Discovery channel.

- What do you like in a documentary?
Reconstructions of events.
No interviews from the camera crew.

- Do you preffere a male, or a female pressenter when watching a documentary?
Not bothered.

- Do you prefer a formal interview, or informal?
Not bothered.

Over all, the most popular types of documentary are
Wildlife, Gardening and Documentaries in general. This means that our documentary will fit in perfectly in this area. because it fits into Institutional, Wildlife, and Nature, too. all these three things were popular.

The channels that were selected the most were Discovery channel, and channel 4. These would be good to show our documentary on because Channel 4 airs such shows as, "The Worlds Sheepdog Trails" and "Squirrel Wars: Red vs Grey". These two are similar to ours, because the first stated documentary is about training young dogs to be professional sheepdogs. The man in our documentary also trains dogs, but for shooting dogs, as opposed to sheep dogs. The second stated documentary is similar to ours in the way that thus man is a hunter, wanting to rid the population of Grey squirrels in England. Our main character also shoots, but for birds, instead of squirrels. The documentaries shown on Discovery channel that are similar to ours are, "Alone in the Wild." and "Deadliest Catch". These two are similar to ours because 'Alone in the Wild" follows one man on his way through the wilderness. Ours only has one main character too. The second documentary stated, "Deadliest Catch" is about a team of fishermen, going on with their incredibly dangerous job. This show is Institutional, like ours, so this is why i put it down as an example, because ours is about a man following his day-to-day life in his career.

All of the sample we used liked to see Interviews in a documentary, along with the documentary following one person in their job. I asked them about the reasons for this, and they said that it interests them. It also was said by one participant that it connects the show together. without them, it is just half an hour or so following a person around. One man said that they like to know what brought the character to take on this job, and stick to it for years. Interviews give an insight into the person's opinions, and their beliefs etc.

In the question of Male vs Female presenters, all of the participants said that that they weren't too bothered which gender is chosen. They also said that the voice, however, must fit in with the type of documentary. For example, you shouldn't use people like Allan Carr in a documentaries like "Brittan's Toughest Cops". The voice must suit the 'mood' of the documentary. One person said that the narration should be someone who 'seems like they know what they're saying, who isn't just reading it off a sheet of paper'. This is a valid point, because people would loose interest in the program if the person sounds like they know nothing at all. Me or Amy would probably be the best choices for the narration, because we know about this kind of subject. Amy grew up with a Gamekeeper, and knows the industry inside-out. I am from a Farming background, so I also know some things about this subject.

As a whole, people are generally not bothered if the interviews are formal, or informal - with the exception of two people. I asked the reason for these two people's decisions. One man who selected. 'Informal' aid that he chose this because this kind of documentary shouldn't have a lot of interviews with people in suits, and such. He said that it wouldn't be true to life enough. It is not usual for someone to 'have a chat in ta woodland when you are dressed in Sunday best'. The other person who did not select the 'not bothered' choice on the questionnaire instead chose 'Formal'. She said this was because she likes the intimacy between the audience and the interviewee created in a formal interview. She explained that if someone walks when talking, some of the dialogue is lost, and it seems 'a bit everywhere'.

I also asked about the necessary of Make-up in a documentary. All the people said that they prefer no make-up because it makes it seem 'fake' and the realism is lowered. I thought of this after I had printed out the surveys, so i just asked upfront. That is the reason why it is not on the printed versions.
We can now use this information to better our ideas, and think more about techniques, voice overs, and other things like how and where to do the interviews.


Monday 3 October 2011

Who would show our documentary? SS

We have a couple of channels in mind who can show our documentary:

- Channel 4. This channel shows institutional documentaries such as "The Secret Millionaire", and "My Dream Farm". These are good examples of similar product research because the first documentary follows one man, like ours. The second example is about farming life.Ours is similar to this one because it is set in the country.

- Sky 1. This channel shows such documentaries as "Inside Gatwick", which follows CEO Stewart Wingate, baggage handlers and travelers as Gatwick Airport is transformed into a more modern facility. "Emergency with Angela Griffin" is another show that is similar to ours in the way that it follows one person, in a specific institution.

- ITV3. This channel has more of our kind of shows. For example, Heartbeat is set in the countryside. This show also has the same audience criteria as our documentary, too.

In terms of distribution, there are a few companies that we have in mind. One of these are "Blast Films". They distribute a documentary called "Squirrel Wars - Red vs Grey". This documentary follows a man who is set on destroying the Grey Squirrel population in England. This is a good one to use of our documentary because it also follows one man. He shoots animals, but not for the same purpose that the man in the other documentary does.


Saturday's meeting and idea's AL

On Saturday 1st October, i had a meeting with the game keeper about the documentary. During this time i asked for conformation that we can go ahead with the filming of the documentary. I also queried if we could have such things as:-
  • interviews
  • cometary
  • inside views
  • shots of the shooting days 
  • go all around the land (on foot, or jeep)

With the information that he has given me i have been given the idea that it would be best to perhaps do small clips of the shooting with a voice over due to some bad language. We could also then film on the second day we can see how things go back to normal and see what its like in the normal day to day life as well.

Another idea would be that we look into the preparations of the day and then end it with the clips from the shoot.

However, to persuade the female side of the audience, we could show clips from both sides. from the male view and female view.  with this male dominated environment we can show that the females also have a role in day to day life. With this we could get an interview of the game keepers wife and film what she does as well.  

With this information we can put these into questions for the survey to see what people prefer.


Wednesday 28 September 2011

Target audience. SS, AL

Out target audience would be people from the ages of 30-60. We chose this age range because children and teenagers wouldn't be interested in this kind of documentary. It is aimed at both genders, because it is not confined to one, as both men and women can find it interesting. Children might see this as 'boring' and therefore not want to see it. Teenagers are more interested in shows like Dramas, such as Eastenders, Glee and Hollyoaks. Out target audience would be people who live or work in the city. These people probably wouldn't know what it is like to be a Game keeper and therefore, be interested in them. We both think that class isn't a big issue with this, because even if your higher or lower class it may cause both to be interested, and possibly they already have an interest in them. If this is the case it may cause them to take part in the activities too, as shooting seems to be a popular sport for higher class people.the culture in this documentary is only applicable to the game keeper as its just how things have always been as a farther will pass it down to a son in most cases. However, we do no believe that it can be applicable to the audience as its only a documentary to them.

Amy & Sophie

Monday 26 September 2011

Documentray Examples - Billy Connolly Rout 66. SS, AL

This Documentary follows Billy Connolly as he travels down Route 66, going trough all the cities along the road. He stops at St Louis, Chicago, Oklahoma City, and many more, seeing the sights. This is like ours, because this documentary follows one man only. This is the reason i chose to put this down as an example of similar product research.
This would be similar to ours because it follows one man, as ours does. It also has other people in the background that he is associated with. Ours is similar in this respect because we will be interviewing Jim's (The Game Keeper) wife, and son.


Key things to think about. SS, AL

the location we will use is the is the private land that the game keeper lives and works on.

Things we will need-
  • Camera x2
  • Tripod x2
  • Spare batteries x2
  • Chargers x2
  • shooting script 
  • make up and costume
  • places for establishing shots marked out with tape.
  • roll of tape for marking where camera needs to be.
  • interview questions.
  • props e.g. hammer, dogs, wood, everyday things needed 
Shot types-

  • cut
  • fade
  • wide shots
  • panning
  • tilting?
  • tracking
  • hand held
  • establishing shots
  • dolly
  • close up shots of objects 
  • mid shots
  • long shots


Documentary techniques. SS, AL

There are a few techniques we have seen in different documentaries that we are thinking of using. These are:
- Reconstruction of events. We could use this for events such as making enclosures -  things that happened while we were not filming.
- Use of a blank screen at the start of the documentary, with white text saying who the main character is, and hat his occupation is. It could also say how long we filmed for, and for what purpose.
- Cut and fades could also be used to how the passage of time. For example, when hours pass, working, instead of filming it all, we could just use parts of the day, and edit them together with the shots fading in/out together.


Wednesday 21 September 2011

Documentray Examples - Traffic Cops: Twins madness. SS, AL

We chose this because of the techniques used. For example, the blur on the reconstruction used gives a good effects as we can see what is happening however, because the models used for the people don't look exactly like the real people. the blurred effect also shows the obscurity of the case involved in this program.

Amy and Sophie

Monday 19 September 2011

Documentary examples- secret millionaire SS, AL

In this documentary it gives us an inside look into the lives of other people. This can be used for our documentary to look into the lives of the people surrounding the main person.


documentary examples- Ice road truckers SS, AL

I chose this documentary as another alternative for examples of techniques to help further our ideas to give us the best result. The use of name titles has given some good ideas. If we decide to interview people on their opinions then we can add the names of them and occupation to ether their relation to the job itself. The addition of informative language used at the beginning of the clip allows us to find out important information about the job which lets us realise what they have to endure on a day to day basis. This give me an idea for our documentary. Giving facts on a game keepers life throughout the  year and what they have to do to keep the birds looked after well. This documentary is also an institutional documentary giving depth into the day to day lives of ice truckers.


documentary examples- BBC airport AL

This documentary of BBC's airport is an institution documentary. I chose this example to help give ideas and set a standard for our own documentary. The techniques used such as cuts and fades are good examples to help show us when to use them to achieve different meanings.


Initial ideas. AL, SS

The two members in this group are Sophie Smith and Amy Lock. Our documentary is going to be Institutional, and will focus on the daily life of a Game Keeper. This documentary will be around 5 minutes long, and will include the day's events from first thing in the morning, to last thing at night.

There are some conventions we will stick to, for example:
- Voice over/Narration. Using this will create a flow in the visuals, making a story out of them. Without narration, people could get confused as to what all the visuals are meaning.

- The use of real people. The person who will be the focus of out Documentary is a 'real person'. This means he is not an actor, and will be viewed n his job (as opposed to an actor, playing a role).

Our Documentary will also be simple. There will not be the use of Re-enhancements like stages reconstructions of events, or fake settings. Not including these will make the Documentary more true-to-life.

Sophie and Amy.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Modes of Documentaries. SS

There are a total of six Documentary modes:

1. Poetic mode - "Resembling fragments of the world". They take historical material and turn it into a more abstract style, and quite often  they turn it into a lyrical form, too. These documentaries are more often than not associated with the 1920's.

2. Expository mode - These Documentaries put social issues in an argumentative frame. It directly addresses these issues.

3. Observational mode - These documentaries try to have as little interaction with the situations being filmed as possible for the sake of making the footage as true to life as possible. There is also little, or no control over lighting, actors, sets and costume etc. This also makes the footage as true to life as possible.

4. Participatory mode - These documentaries are where the filmmaker interacts a lot with the situation and characters being filmed, asking questions, and generally engaging in the situations. They also rely heavily on the honesty of witnesses.

5. Reflexive mode - These documentaries are very questioning and uncertain. They leave the viewer being able to make their own judgement or opinion of what they gave seen. They present the truth, as opposed to constructing it.

6. Performative mode - These types of documentary acknowledges the emotional and subjective aspects of Documentary. They are often in an autobiographical style.
