Wednesday 28 September 2011

Target audience. SS, AL

Out target audience would be people from the ages of 30-60. We chose this age range because children and teenagers wouldn't be interested in this kind of documentary. It is aimed at both genders, because it is not confined to one, as both men and women can find it interesting. Children might see this as 'boring' and therefore not want to see it. Teenagers are more interested in shows like Dramas, such as Eastenders, Glee and Hollyoaks. Out target audience would be people who live or work in the city. These people probably wouldn't know what it is like to be a Game keeper and therefore, be interested in them. We both think that class isn't a big issue with this, because even if your higher or lower class it may cause both to be interested, and possibly they already have an interest in them. If this is the case it may cause them to take part in the activities too, as shooting seems to be a popular sport for higher class people.the culture in this documentary is only applicable to the game keeper as its just how things have always been as a farther will pass it down to a son in most cases. However, we do no believe that it can be applicable to the audience as its only a documentary to them.

Amy & Sophie

1 comment:

  1. Check this with your survey. I think you will find a different response demographically - people in the country - rural England will be more familiar with this institution and respond more positively. I think you may find a class issue and your survey results will be vital.
    Miss King
