Wednesday 28 September 2011

Target audience. SS, AL

Out target audience would be people from the ages of 30-60. We chose this age range because children and teenagers wouldn't be interested in this kind of documentary. It is aimed at both genders, because it is not confined to one, as both men and women can find it interesting. Children might see this as 'boring' and therefore not want to see it. Teenagers are more interested in shows like Dramas, such as Eastenders, Glee and Hollyoaks. Out target audience would be people who live or work in the city. These people probably wouldn't know what it is like to be a Game keeper and therefore, be interested in them. We both think that class isn't a big issue with this, because even if your higher or lower class it may cause both to be interested, and possibly they already have an interest in them. If this is the case it may cause them to take part in the activities too, as shooting seems to be a popular sport for higher class people.the culture in this documentary is only applicable to the game keeper as its just how things have always been as a farther will pass it down to a son in most cases. However, we do no believe that it can be applicable to the audience as its only a documentary to them.

Amy & Sophie

Monday 26 September 2011

Documentray Examples - Billy Connolly Rout 66. SS, AL

This Documentary follows Billy Connolly as he travels down Route 66, going trough all the cities along the road. He stops at St Louis, Chicago, Oklahoma City, and many more, seeing the sights. This is like ours, because this documentary follows one man only. This is the reason i chose to put this down as an example of similar product research.
This would be similar to ours because it follows one man, as ours does. It also has other people in the background that he is associated with. Ours is similar in this respect because we will be interviewing Jim's (The Game Keeper) wife, and son.


Key things to think about. SS, AL

the location we will use is the is the private land that the game keeper lives and works on.

Things we will need-
  • Camera x2
  • Tripod x2
  • Spare batteries x2
  • Chargers x2
  • shooting script 
  • make up and costume
  • places for establishing shots marked out with tape.
  • roll of tape for marking where camera needs to be.
  • interview questions.
  • props e.g. hammer, dogs, wood, everyday things needed 
Shot types-

  • cut
  • fade
  • wide shots
  • panning
  • tilting?
  • tracking
  • hand held
  • establishing shots
  • dolly
  • close up shots of objects 
  • mid shots
  • long shots


Documentary techniques. SS, AL

There are a few techniques we have seen in different documentaries that we are thinking of using. These are:
- Reconstruction of events. We could use this for events such as making enclosures -  things that happened while we were not filming.
- Use of a blank screen at the start of the documentary, with white text saying who the main character is, and hat his occupation is. It could also say how long we filmed for, and for what purpose.
- Cut and fades could also be used to how the passage of time. For example, when hours pass, working, instead of filming it all, we could just use parts of the day, and edit them together with the shots fading in/out together.


Wednesday 21 September 2011

Documentray Examples - Traffic Cops: Twins madness. SS, AL

We chose this because of the techniques used. For example, the blur on the reconstruction used gives a good effects as we can see what is happening however, because the models used for the people don't look exactly like the real people. the blurred effect also shows the obscurity of the case involved in this program.

Amy and Sophie

Monday 19 September 2011

Documentary examples- secret millionaire SS, AL

In this documentary it gives us an inside look into the lives of other people. This can be used for our documentary to look into the lives of the people surrounding the main person.


documentary examples- Ice road truckers SS, AL

I chose this documentary as another alternative for examples of techniques to help further our ideas to give us the best result. The use of name titles has given some good ideas. If we decide to interview people on their opinions then we can add the names of them and occupation to ether their relation to the job itself. The addition of informative language used at the beginning of the clip allows us to find out important information about the job which lets us realise what they have to endure on a day to day basis. This give me an idea for our documentary. Giving facts on a game keepers life throughout the  year and what they have to do to keep the birds looked after well. This documentary is also an institutional documentary giving depth into the day to day lives of ice truckers.


documentary examples- BBC airport AL

This documentary of BBC's airport is an institution documentary. I chose this example to help give ideas and set a standard for our own documentary. The techniques used such as cuts and fades are good examples to help show us when to use them to achieve different meanings.


Initial ideas. AL, SS

The two members in this group are Sophie Smith and Amy Lock. Our documentary is going to be Institutional, and will focus on the daily life of a Game Keeper. This documentary will be around 5 minutes long, and will include the day's events from first thing in the morning, to last thing at night.

There are some conventions we will stick to, for example:
- Voice over/Narration. Using this will create a flow in the visuals, making a story out of them. Without narration, people could get confused as to what all the visuals are meaning.

- The use of real people. The person who will be the focus of out Documentary is a 'real person'. This means he is not an actor, and will be viewed n his job (as opposed to an actor, playing a role).

Our Documentary will also be simple. There will not be the use of Re-enhancements like stages reconstructions of events, or fake settings. Not including these will make the Documentary more true-to-life.

Sophie and Amy.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Modes of Documentaries. SS

There are a total of six Documentary modes:

1. Poetic mode - "Resembling fragments of the world". They take historical material and turn it into a more abstract style, and quite often  they turn it into a lyrical form, too. These documentaries are more often than not associated with the 1920's.

2. Expository mode - These Documentaries put social issues in an argumentative frame. It directly addresses these issues.

3. Observational mode - These documentaries try to have as little interaction with the situations being filmed as possible for the sake of making the footage as true to life as possible. There is also little, or no control over lighting, actors, sets and costume etc. This also makes the footage as true to life as possible.

4. Participatory mode - These documentaries are where the filmmaker interacts a lot with the situation and characters being filmed, asking questions, and generally engaging in the situations. They also rely heavily on the honesty of witnesses.

5. Reflexive mode - These documentaries are very questioning and uncertain. They leave the viewer being able to make their own judgement or opinion of what they gave seen. They present the truth, as opposed to constructing it.

6. Performative mode - These types of documentary acknowledges the emotional and subjective aspects of Documentary. They are often in an autobiographical style.
