Wednesday 1 February 2012

Ancillary Tasks. SS

The Ancillary Tasks we have chosen to do are the Newspaper advert and the Double page spread. We have seen a few different styles of each, and are planning on using different aspects of each one. example, in this version of a DPS, we could use the simplistic style. The image of the man, sitting alone adds the emphasis of him being the main character - although the large shadow, with a different shape to that of the man makes it seem like the shadow shifts the main focus from the man, to the shadow.

In this one, we can use the layout for the text. If we were to have the main image dominating the page, like this, it would attract the reader. You see the image, then your eyes would shift over to the text to read what it's about.

For the Newspaper advert, we have seen a few examples exhibiting different styles, too. These are:

We decided that we like the simplistic style of this, because although it is just a image of a sheep next to a bed, the audience knows that it will be somehow linked to sleep. the text is short and sweet, giving the time of the show, and what channel it's on, along with the date.


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