Friday, 9 March 2012

Ancillary mock up of DPS. SS, AL.

Our ancillary tasks have diverted somewhat from the original plans made. These new mock ups are shown below.

DPS final mock up.

Newspaper advert final mock up.



Final documentary AL

This is the final version of our documentary.


Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Update on the process of the ancillary tasks SS.

Currently, the ancillary tasks are in the final stages of completion. We have finished the newspaper advert, and are well on the way to completing the double page spread for a listings magazine, too. All that needs to be done is another column of text, and to clean up the image arrangement.

In terms of the editing the documentary footage, we need to synchronize the speech to the footage and place the voice over in the appropriate timings.


Timing alteration. SS

 Amy has decided to cut out a few more seconds to make the total time of the documentary now 5 minutes and 1 second.


Update on the editing process. SS

Right now, Amy is working on taking stills out of the film to use in one of our ancillary tasks. We currently have one Ancillary task (The newspaper advert) fully completed, and the Double Page Spread for the listings magazine is half-way complete.
The progress on the editing of the documentary is about halfway completed, too. All we need to do is move the interview, splitting it up in the film, and cut a few more seconds out to make it 5minutes long. Along with this, Amy is planning to enhance the film by adding more special effects such as wipes, and or fades.


Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Font reserch. SS AL

We chose a number of different fonts to pick for our ancillary task. These are in the image below:
Out of these 6 different fonts, we chose the last one, "BlairMdITC TT" to use in our Double Page Spread and our newspaper advert. This is similar to the font used in "Country Life" Magazine. This is applicable to us because this is the kind of magazine our documentary would be advertised in, seeing as though it is a film about a shooting day - which is often covered in these types of magazines

Sophie and Amy.

Monday, 20 February 2012

First rough cut of Documentary. SS

This is our first rough cut of "The Shoot". We have managed to cut it down to 8 minutes, and are intending to cut it down to the 5 minute requirement in the next lesson. This is because Amy is away today, due to illness, and it seemed impractical to go head with the editing whist she is absent. I have kept her updated through email during this lesson, though, telling her what's happening today. Where the Documentary would be cut is from 4 minutes 10 seconds, to 5 minutes into the footage as there are many of the same shots in this time frame.

We also intend to move the questions for the interview around, mixing them in with the footage. This would create a sort of narrative, along with creating more of a verity within the documentary it's self. This is because there is more of a variety at the end, and more of the same thing in the start, and middle of the footage. To Broaden the skills shown in the footage, we decided to move the interview. There is also a typo within the question slides. this is the word 'effect', which will be altered to the word 'affect', instead. The reason behind the lighting fluctuation within the film is the level difference when in the quarry between Amy and me. and the shooters at the top of the hill. the ledge in the hill blocked off some of the light to us, thus creating the silhouette shots.
